ERP and the IoT
An ERP, or Enterprise Resource Planning system is used to help manufacturing companies effectively manage operational, financial, manufacturing, reporting, supply chain and human resource activities. Much like many other business processes, the introduction of the IoT is changing modern-day ERP systems.
The Internet of Things brings a lot of potential to ERP and the manufacturing industry. There are a number of benefits to IoT integration.
IoT Integration
The IoT makes it possible for re-orders and replenishments to be communicated directly to a business’s ERP without any type of human interaction. In fact, a lot of human interaction can be eliminated from the manufacturing process. This allows employees to focus their energy on other, more important business matters.
When connected to the IoT, an ERP system can collect, process and analyze data in an extremely efficient way. Smart, IoT sensors allow important data to be communicated directly with manufacturers. The system sends alerts and notifications whenever products or equipment require assistance.
The IoT allows manufacturers to communicate directly with their products in new and meaningful ways. They are able to figure out exactly when and how products are being used, as well as if and when they malfunction. This puts manufacturers in the best possible position to address issues, improve products and provide better service to their customers.
Benefits of an Effective ERP System
An effective ERP system allows you to work around the world across a number of operations. This makes it possible to move into new markets while maintaining visibility into your operations. It also helps you standardize business processes and optimize your value chain.
An ERP is often used by larger enterprises to manage operations and improve decision-making abilities. Small to medium-sized businesses typically use an ERP system to manage their finances.
Our Solution
Our solution is unlike anything else available today. It is custom built for each business and tailored to their individual needs. We seamlessly connect IoT capabilities to ERP systems to improve financial management, supply chain and operations management, customer service, project management, human resources management and business intelligence.
Data is collected and stored in our data centers where it is analyzed for potential issues. This allows manufacturers to remain proactive as opposed to reactive.
Please contact us for more information.