Warehouse and factory owners often don’t realize the amount of available space in their warehouse. Unfortunately, not knowing whether space is available could prevent warehouse management from utilizing their facility at its full potential. Another issue facing warehouse owners, not knowing whether inventory levels are running low could lead to costly delays and decreased customer satisfaction. This can hurt the business in multiple ways. It’s crucial that warehouse owners implement an effective and easy to use warehouse monitoring system.
Accurate Fill Level Monitoring
Mint Controls’ Fill Sensor attaches easily to warehouse shelving, bins, and other containers. The Fill Sensor continuously monitors fill level and sends all data to the software platform where management can quickly locate available space and inventory requiring attention.
The system enables quick and easy inventory management. With configuration, the Software can alert key personnel when certain inventory levels drop below pre-determined levels. This solution helps ensure warehouses and factories do not run out of raw materials or popular products available for sale.
Easy to Use Software
Users can view all data provided by the Fill Sensor on any device that connects to the Internet. The user-friendly software displays only relevant data in a clear and easy to understand format. This makes it possible for Users of all abilities to use the system.
Using Mint Controls’ Fill Sensor device, warehouses can identify areas of the facility that aren’t being used to their full potential. They can also use the device to locate warehouse space that other businesses can rent. This provides supplemental income and numerous benefits to small businesses and sellers offering goods on Amazon, eBay, and other ecommerce websites.
The Fill Sensor uses a rule-based system. This makes it possible for warehouse owners to determine appropriate fill level, receive important alerts, and determine who receives notifications sent from the device.
Build to Suit IoT Solutions
Mint Controls offers build to suit solutions for a wide range of businesses and industries. When you work with Mint Controls we work directly with you to evaluate your needs and develop a comprehensive solution. Please contact us to learn more about our Fill Sensor device and warehouse solutions.