Trucking companies often have hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of assets in their yard. Just one trailer can cost several thousand dollars. While these assets represent a huge earning potential, they can also cost the organization a lot of money.
Trailers often go missing. This not only costs the organization money to replace the trailer, the trucking company may lose potential revenue waiting for the replacement. You simply cannot use a lost trailer.
GPS Tags Ensure Accurate Inventory Counts
Many trucking companies still use a paper or whiteboard system to keep track of trailers. Unfortunately, this method is unreliable and prone to error. Tracking inventory manually also takes a lot of time. Trucking company owners may pay staff a considerable amount of money just to count and locate trailers.
Using GPS Tags, trucking companies can automatically track trailers and other assets. These Tags attach easily to the inside of trailers and provide information about trailer location, movement, and impact. The Tag records and transmits data regularly, enabling trucking company owners to locate trailers both in the yard and on the field. This might prove especially beneficial to trucking companies that struggle to determine accurate billing. The GPS Tag records the time spent in each location, increasing accountability and preventing the chance of loss on the field.
Mint Controls’ GPS tracking solution enables automatic inventory counts. This saves time and allows management to repurpose staff. The system effectively eliminates the chance of human error and provides the information needed to locate stolen trailers.
Locate Problems Sooner
The GPS Tag reports the exact date and time of impact. This increases accountability and informs the trucking company owner of potential problems. The device communicates directly with the Software, providing users with access to the information they need when they need it. Configuration allows the system to send alerts based on rules set by the organization. Connection to the IoT allows management and staff to view data and print reports from any device that connects to the Internet.
Mint Controls offers comprehensive solutions to a wide range of problems. Please contact us to learn more about out trailer tracking solution.